10 tips for moving with children

Moving to a new home means a lot of changes. This can be especially so for children. Kids may not be fully comfortable or even fully understand what it means to move. Fortunately, though, moving doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing (especially if your family gets to move somewhere as nice as Grand Park, the top real estate community in Grand County, Colorado!) Here are 10 tips and tricks to help make moving the best experience possible for you and your family.


–       Help your kids prepare for what to expect. Try to explain to your children exactly what moving means, where you’ll be going, and what things will be like in your new home.

–       Listen to your children’s concerns. Communicate with your children about the move, and take their feelings seriously. Always treat their concerns with consideration and respect, even if you can’t accommodate everything they request.

–       Have a goodbye party. This will give children a chance to see friends and family who are important to them. Also, kids love celebrations, so a party can help turn a move into a positive experience

–       Have kids help you pack. If your children are old enough, you can have them help with boxing up their belongings. This keeps kids involved with the move, which can make them more comfortable and even more excited about it, not to mention it can also help you pack!

–       Pack a special box of your children’s toys last. Your kids will want something to play with throughout the move, so make sure you have access to the toys and belongings your children enjoy the most. You can even pack a special travel bag of favorite toys that your kids can bring along with them while moving.

–       Label what you pack. When packing up a box, try to label its contents as specifically as possible. When your children just have to have that certain toy right now, you’ll know where to find it. Thorough labeling helps with every aspect of the move as well, not just with kid’s stuff. The better you label, the easier it’ll be to unpack in your new home.

–       Keep your kids entertained. Hiring a babysitter, arranging a play date, or just popping in a favorite movie can afford you a few hours to focus on packing.

–       Make a photo collage. Help your children make an album or memory board of photos of favorite people and places. Your kids can put the memory board in their new room, which will make your new home feel that much more familiar.

–       Send postcards. They’re a good way to keep in touch with family and friends, plus your kids will have fun showing off your new home.

–       Make it feel like home. Unpacking and displaying cherished or familiar family items will make your new house feel like a home that much sooner.

–       Make it an adventure. Let your kids know about all the opportunities your new home will afford. For instance, you can get your children excited about all the skiing, hiking, fishing, and other fun adventures available in Grand Park!


Oops, that might have actually been eleven tips, not ten! Either way, we hope you and your family might find these helpful. If you have any questions about moving, or our homes, or village businesses and area activities, or anything else about Grand Park, contact us today!

To contact us at Grand Park, give us a call at 970-726-8700 or email us at info@grandparkco.com.